Tuesday, June 12, 2012

June 10th, 2012 --- our last day in Kansas City

We saw Skip on Tues. and Wed.  Visited with the Sisters on Wed. as well.  Thurs. to KC and to catch up on family goings on.  Friday was a fantastic wedding with Alex and Toni.  Sat. was Mass and a birthday dinner for my sister Julie, and my mom Karen.  It is now Sunday, and alas, we must head back to Guerneville, CA, but not before having lunch with my sister Brenda, niece Meredith, and my dad, Bob at the cheesecake factory.  Michael and I then had another lunch with our nephew Jacob, who just graduated from high-school,  and will be attending film school in Florida, along with his mother Jenny.

Brenda, Meredith and dad, Bob in front of this yummy restaurant!

Inside the Cheesecake factory.

Michael and I lived in the far right townhouse from 1989-1992.  

A view of downtown KC from Quality Hill.

Michael, Jacob our nephew and Uncle Vincent.

My sister in law Jenny, and her super son Jacob!

Thank you to each and every one of you for making our trip to KC special.  We packed up not only our suitcases when we left, but a bushel full of great memories as well.  Love to you all, and best wishes to Alex and Toni!
          ------ Vincent & Michael


  1. I had such a fun time! Somewhat nostalgic to see how much our old neighborhood has changed but at least for the better. Much love to all the family and friends that made it such a fun visit.


    PS: And a big CONGRATULATIONS to Alex and Toni!

  2. Michael and Vincent! I don't know if you guys will get this but thought it was worth a try! Hopefully you remember me and shoot me an email to stay in contact so I don't have to hunt you guys down all over the web here haha! Chrisgallardo7@gmail.com
